A company’s strategic plan is the roadmap that clearly communicates a common goal and direction for the organization. It can actually give a company an edge over the less focused competition when implemented successfully. Unfortunately, it often gets confused with a business or financial plan and frequently takes a backseat to what many consider more pressing matters and everyday tasks. 

During this webinar, Marketing & Management Consulting President Lawrence "Larry" Kirsch provides a comprehensive overview of Strategic Planning and discusses the keys to making your own strategic plan successful. 

Valuable Takeaways:

  • The meaning of Strategic Planning
  • How Strategic Planning differs from a Business or Financial Plan 
  • Why Strategic Planning is Important to a company 
  • The key aspects of a Strategic Plan

This webinar was originally presented on April 28, 2021 at 11:00am. 

Meet the Speaker


Lawrence Kirsch Marketing and Management Consulting(1)

Lawrence "Larry" Kirsch
Marketing & Management Consulting President

Over the past 38 years as a strategic planning and tactical marketing veteran, Larry Kirsch has helped companies such as Rainbird, GlaxoSmithKline, and Space Maintainer Laboratories increase their profitability and achieve greater ROI for their marketing dollars. Larry has founded three companies, co-owned a food manufacturing operation, and co-founded an e-commerce business. As a management consultant, he has guided hundreds of small and medium-sized companies in their strategic planning, marketing and growth strategies. He is also a certified Family Business Advisor and has an MBA in International Marketing. Larry is currently the President of Marketing & Management Consulting, assisting companies in growth oriented strategic planning, family business advisement, and designing and executing aggressive marketing and sales programs.


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