Statistics from the U.S. Small Business Administration show that two-thirds of small to medium-sized businesses do not survive a leadership change. Those that do, plan for it. But, how exactly do they plan for leadership change? The answer is: by creating and implementing a solid, well-thought-out succession plan.

During this webinar, Daniel Feiman presents a deeper dive into the 9 critical steps to creating an effective succession plan. 

Critical steps to be discussed: 

  1. Identify critical positions & roles
  2. Build the success profile
  3. Nominate successors
  4. Assess the development needs
  5. Develop talent
  6. Create an implementation plan
  7. Document the process
  8. Measure progress (1 tool)
  9. Evaluate, Reset, & Continue

While this webinar is a follow-up to our "10 Steps to Developing the Right Succession or Transition Plan for You" webinar from January 12, 2021, it is not necessary to have viewed it in order to benefit from the knowledge imparted in this one.

This webinar was originally presented on March 2, 2021 at 11:00am. 

Meet the Speaker


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Daniel Feiman, MBA, CMC©
Founder and Managing Director of Build it Backwards

Daniel Feiman, MBA, CMC® is the Founder and Managing Director of Build It Backwards, a consulting & training firm based in Redondo Beach, CA. He consults in three areas: Strategy: Planning & Implementation; Finance: Modeling & Analysis; Leadership: Development & Coaching. He has consulted & trained firms in 30 countries comprising many industries as well as teaching the subject at the University level. He has worked with: automotive, aerospace, consumer products, distribution, education, legal, hospitality healthcare, manufacturing, medical, oil & gas, production & telecom industries, among others. He has been awarded the CMC© designation by Institute of Management Consultants which is awarded to less than 1% of management consultants.


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